

The international summer school on AI Applications for Medicine is aimed at a wide audience of young post-graduate researches, most typically early-stage Ph.D. candidates, but also advanced Master students and more senior Ph.D. candidates and PostDocs who want to deepen their knowledge. Although no specific background knowledge is required for attending the summer school, basics of medicine or/and artificial intelligence will be helpful for benefiting from the contents of school. Students are also committed to a full participation for the whole duration of the school.

The school will be open to about 60 qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates. Participants will be selected according to the order of application, the quality of the submitted request and the institution of provenance to ensure a balanced group of people.

SECAI will provide travel grants for international students covering (part of) the travel costs. Grants will be awarded based upon the background and the scientific performance of the applicants. The economic development level of applicant institutions will also be considered. The travel grant consists of a lumb sum based on the country of origin.


Candidates can apply by filling in the form below and submitting the following documents

  • A short statement of motivation (half a page)
  • A CV (one page)

via with subject “Application Summer School AI Applications for Medicine”. Students can use the SecureMail Portal of TU Dresden to submit their application as an encrypted email.


June 8th, 2023: Applications starts
July 13th, 2023: Application Deadline
July 27th, 2023: Acceptance Notification

Registration Form

Registration is closed.