Dr. Katerina Falk, junior group leader at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, leads the course Plasma Physics at the TU Dresden. In this course, a Teaching Analysis Poll was conducted by Laura Kaden, consultant in the Teaching Synergies Program with the following insights.
“As the TAP was conducted during the COVID19 lockdown, when all teaching was moved online, the students mainly commented on the online teaching methods. In general, they gave very constructive comments. Originally, all lectures were pre-recorded and available for the students to watch at any time and a shorter seminar was given each week through a video conference to summarize the main points of each lecture, after which the students could ask their questions. This format proved to be ineffective as many students did not watch the recoded lectures in time and were not getting much from the summary online meetings. As a result of the TAP and advice from the experts at TU Dresden’s Teaching Synergies Program, I changed the format of the interactive weekly lesson to a better format, where I posed 3-5 discussion points and questions to the topic of each lecture, which motivated the students to watch the recorded lecture beforehand to be ready for the questions.”