Ausgewählte referierte Journalbeiträge
Adam M.; Croitor E.; Werner D.; Benlian A.; Wiener M. (2022): Input Control and Its Signalling Effects for Complementors’ Intention to Join Digital Platforms, in:
Information Systems Journal (ISJ).
Alarcon-Gerbier, E; Buscher, U. (2022): Modular and Mobile Facility Location Problems: A Systematic Review, in:
Computers & Industrial Engineering.
Berlemann, M.; Methorst, J.; Thum, M. (2022): Do Floods Scare Off Residents?, in:
Economics Letters
Hamann, P.M.; Halw, O.; Günther, T.W. (2023): Meta-Analysis of the Corporate Planning–Organizational Performance Relationship: A Research Note, in:
Strategic Management Journal.
Hatzfeld, T.; Backes, J.G.; Guenther, E.; Traverso, M. (2022): Modeling Circularity as Functionality over Use-Time to Reflect on Circularity Indicator Challenges and Identify New Indicators for the Circular Economy, in:
Journal of Cleaner Production.
Konrad, K.A.; Thum, M. (2022): Elusive Effects of Export Embargoes for Fossil Energy Resource, in:
Energy Economics.
Pilny, H.L.; Papen, M.-C.; Niemand, T. (2022): Transfer of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) to Relationship Marketing: Potential Effects on Perceived Customer Initmacy, in:
Journal of Relationship Marketing.
Tamke, F.; Buscher, U. (2023): The Vehicle Routing Problem with Drones and Drone Speed Selection, in:
Computers & Operations Research.
Wendl, M.; Doan, M.H.; Sassen, R. (2023): The Environmental Impact of Cryptocurrencies using Proof of Work and Proof of Stake Consensus Algorithms: A Systematic Review, in:
Journal of Environmental Management.